Synergus mexicana Gillette, 1896:96, ♀. Holotype ♀, Las Cruces, New Mex. (leg. T.D.A. Cockerell); Lobato-Vila et al., 2019Lobato-Vila, I., D. Cibrián-Tovar, U.M. Barrera-Rutz, A.Equihua-Martínez, E.G. Estrada-Vebegas, M.L. Buffington & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Review of the Synergus Hartig species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) associated with tuberous and other tumor-like galls on oaks from the New World with the description of three new species from Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121 (2):193-255.:231, Lectotype ♀ (USNM, Type n° 27952); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67, Type material (USNM). - Cockerell, 1899Cockerell, T.D.A. 1899. A first list of the hymenopterous families Tenthredinidae, Siricidae, Chrysididae, Proctotrypidae, Cynipidae, Chalcididae and Braconidae collected in New Mexico. Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Sciences 16:212-216. (distribution). - As Synergus mexicanus: - Pénzes et al., 2012Pénzes, Z. C.-T. Tang, P. Bihari, M. Bozsó, S. Schwéger & G. Melika 2012. Oak associated inquilines (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Synergini). TISCIA monograph series 11:1-76. (distribution); Pujade-Villar et al., 2016Pujade-Villar, J., M. Roca-Cusachs & I. Lobato-Vila 2016. Descripción de las primeras especies de Synergus con hembras de 13 antenómeros para México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini). Dugesiana 23 (2):109-116. (distribution); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2018Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2018. Estado actual del conocimiento de la diversidad de inquilinos de agallas de Cinípidos en encinos de México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Entomología mexicana 5:435-443. (distribution); Lobato-Vila et al., 2019Lobato-Vila, I., D. Cibrián-Tovar, U.M. Barrera-Rutz, A.Equihua-Martínez, E.G. Estrada-Vebegas, M.L. Buffington & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Review of the Synergus Hartig species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) associated with tuberous and other tumor-like galls on oaks from the New World with the description of three new species from Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121 (2):193-255. (distribution); Zamora-Macorra et al., 2019Zamora-Macorra, E.J., R.L. Granados-Victorino, E. Santiago-Elena, K.G. Elizalde-Gaytán, I. Lobato-Vila & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Insectos agalladores en los encinos (Quercus spp.) del parque estatal Cerro Gordo, Estado de México. Revista Mexicana de Biodiversidad 10 (54):58-73. (distribution); Nastasi & Deans, 2021Nastasi, L.F. & A.R. Deans 2021. Catalogue of Rose Gall, Herb Gall, and Inquiline Gall Wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Biodiversity Data Journal 9 (e68558):1-41. (distribution); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121. (distribution).
Synergus Dugesi Ashmead, 1899:195, ♂♀. 1 ♂, 2 ♀♀ (leg. Dr. A. Duges); Holotype (U. S. N. M., No. 4305, leg. Dr. A. Duges); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67, Type material (USNM). - Pénzes et al., 2012Pénzes, Z. C.-T. Tang, P. Bihari, M. Bozsó, S. Schwéger & G. Melika 2012. Oak associated inquilines (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Synergini). TISCIA monograph series 11:1-76. (distribution); Pujade-Villar & Lobato-Vila, 2016Pujade-Villar, J. & Lobato-Vila, I. 2016. Synergus brevis (Weld, 1926), una nova sinonímia de S. mexicanus Gillette, 1896 (Hym., Cynipidae: Synergini). Orsis 30:63-65.:64 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Pujade-Villar et al., 2016Pujade-Villar, J., M. Roca-Cusachs & I. Lobato-Vila 2016. Descripción de las primeras especies de Synergus con hembras de 13 antenómeros para México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini). Dugesiana 23 (2):109-116.:109 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2017Lobato-Vila, I. & Pujade-Villar, J. 2017. Description of five new species of inquiline oak gall wasps of the genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Synergini) with partially smooth mesopleurae from Mexico. Zoological Studies 56 (36):1-28.:2 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2018Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2018. Estado actual del conocimiento de la diversidad de inquilinos de agallas de Cinípidos en encinos de México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Entomología mexicana 5:435-443.:439 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila et al., 2019Lobato-Vila, I., D. Cibrián-Tovar, U.M. Barrera-Rutz, A.Equihua-Martínez, E.G. Estrada-Vebegas, M.L. Buffington & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Review of the Synergus Hartig species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) associated with tuberous and other tumor-like galls on oaks from the New World with the description of three new species from Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121 (2):193-255.:231 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Nastasi & Deans, 2021Nastasi, L.F. & A.R. Deans 2021. Catalogue of Rose Gall, Herb Gall, and Inquiline Gall Wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Biodiversity Data Journal 9 (e68558):1-41.:33 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896).
Synergus multiplicatus Fullaway, 1911:370, ♂♀.Cal.; Lobato-Vila et al., 2019Lobato-Vila, I., D. Cibrián-Tovar, U.M. Barrera-Rutz, A.Equihua-Martínez, E.G. Estrada-Vebegas, M.L. Buffington & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Review of the Synergus Hartig species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) associated with tuberous and other tumor-like galls on oaks from the New World with the description of three new species from Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121 (2):193-255.:232, Lectotype ♀, examined (CAS, No. 5830); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67, Lectotype (CAS). Synonymized with Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896 by Lobato-Vila et al., 2019Lobato-Vila, I., D. Cibrián-Tovar, U.M. Barrera-Rutz, A.Equihua-Martínez, E.G. Estrada-Vebegas, M.L. Buffington & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Review of the Synergus Hartig species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) associated with tuberous and other tumor-like galls on oaks from the New World with the description of three new species from Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121 (2):193-255.:231. - Nastasi & Deans, 2021Nastasi, L.F. & A.R. Deans 2021. Catalogue of Rose Gall, Herb Gall, and Inquiline Gall Wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Biodiversity Data Journal 9 (e68558):1-41.:33 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896).
Saphonecrus brevis Weld, 1926:109, Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67, Holotype (USNM). Synonymized with Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896 by Pujade-Villar & Lobato-Vila, 2016Pujade-Villar, J. & Lobato-Vila, I. 2016. Synergus brevis (Weld, 1926), una nova sinonímia de S. mexicanus Gillette, 1896 (Hym., Cynipidae: Synergini). Orsis 30:63-65.:64. - Pénzes et al., 2012Pénzes, Z. C.-T. Tang, P. Bihari, M. Bozsó, S. Schwéger & G. Melika 2012. Oak associated inquilines (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae, Synergini). TISCIA monograph series 11:1-76. (distribution); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2018Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2018. Estado actual del conocimiento de la diversidad de inquilinos de agallas de Cinípidos en encinos de México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae). Entomología mexicana 5:435-443.:439 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila et al., 2019Lobato-Vila, I., D. Cibrián-Tovar, U.M. Barrera-Rutz, A.Equihua-Martínez, E.G. Estrada-Vebegas, M.L. Buffington & J. Pujade-Villar 2019. Review of the Synergus Hartig species (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) associated with tuberous and other tumor-like galls on oaks from the New World with the description of three new species from Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 121 (2):193-255.:231 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Nastasi & Deans, 2021Nastasi, L.F. & A.R. Deans 2021. Catalogue of Rose Gall, Herb Gall, and Inquiline Gall Wasps (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) of the United States, Canada and Mexico. Biodiversity Data Journal 9 (e68558):1-41.:33 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2021Lobato-Vila, I. & J. Pujade-Villar 2021. The genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini) in the New World: a complete taxonomic revision with a key to species. Zootaxa 4906 (1):1-121.:67 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896). - As Synergus brevis: - Pujade-Villar et al., 2016Pujade-Villar, J., M. Roca-Cusachs & I. Lobato-Vila 2016. Descripción de las primeras especies de Synergus con hembras de 13 antenómeros para México (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae: Synergini). Dugesiana 23 (2):109-116.:109 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896); Lobato-Vila & Pujade-Villar, 2017Lobato-Vila, I. & Pujade-Villar, J. 2017. Description of five new species of inquiline oak gall wasps of the genus Synergus Hartig (Hymenoptera, Cynipidae: Synergini) with partially smooth mesopleurae from Mexico. Zoological Studies 56 (36):1-28.:2 ( listed as synonym of Synergus mexicanus Gillette, 1896).